Small notebook big ideas

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Online clicking can be defined as a new Olympic discipline.
So let's start one more exercise, gold medals are waiting for us in the future. ;)
1. How to make beachy waves - You are still asking me about my hair and how I'm making those messy curls, so HERE it is one more time. Everything is the same except my hair length.
2. Weekend travel look - if you are traveling somewhere for a weekend, HERE are some suggestions of what to bring and wear.
3. How to get makeup stains out of anything - while I was browsing through some articles, I ran into this one (haven't try it yet) and I thought that it's a good thing to know, just in case.
4. My week in heels - lovely Sabrina from took a challenge and tried to wear heels for a whole week and what happened during that period read on her blog. Love her honest thoughts about expensive shoes (like Prada and CL) and how uncomfortable they are while all the other ladies pretend.
5. Aging starts around 29?! - Google, stop showing me these signs articles, I know I'm getting old! As a girl who will turn exactly 29 this year I'm scared as s...t. but luckily I bumped into one more great text so I will give my best to start using at least three facial products on a daily base. Not giving a pinkie promise yet.

And that's it for tonight. If you have something interesting feel free to share it with me!

#MyDreamCloset aplikacija je ušla u svoju poslednju fazu a 10 finalistikinja je već poznato!
U poslednjoj rundi takmičarke će prikazati svoju odevnu kombinaciju a iz ove faze izlazi samo jedna devojka kao pobednica. Glavna nagrada je 1000 eura za kupovinu garderobe i aksesoara!

Mini nagrađivanje na blogu je završeno a tri osobe koje su osvojile BU Smoothie shower gel su:
Čestitam! :)

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